2015年11月15日 星期日

京阪行美妝戰利品 | Osaka & Kyoto: Beauty Shopping and Souvenirs

I just returned from mu 11-Days Kansai (Kyoto and Osaka), Japan trip.

The composing of this article is more efficient than I thought as I am struggling to fall back to night owl routine and wake up hours earlier than I usually do.

Sightseeing's been fun but shopping was even more exciting. So many I've seen and so little I can carry, THESE are the most interesting things I spotted, mostly can only be found in Japan officially.

To keep this short, let's start counting!

2015年6月6日 星期六

Empties & Hit Pans

Long time no blog. And the tired mom Jacq's (her blog) about to kill me for this.
So I'm filling in a list of empties and hit pan makeup products I haven't talked about before (as I remember).
Photos taken by iPhone in the middle of the night coz I'm too lazy to reach for my camera nor wake up early to do the shots in daylight.

2015年1月21日 星期三

Makeup Haul | after a joyful lunch date

I was hanging around in the mall after a joyful lunch date back in December 2014, and spotted a special discount in Watsons.
Buy a makeup product to get Revlon lip crayons at $50 something! So I went nuts and purchased the above...


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