2014年5月6日 星期二

3 mandelic acid products from Dr.Hsieh

How lazy am I to not blog for so long? I have been busy for about a month and finally got time to mow the lawn now :P 

The brand Dr. Hsieh's mandelic acid line has been in my night skincare routine for more than a year now. I like using m acid more than facial scrub, as it can not only remove dead cells but also treat acne and adjust my combination skin to a less oily more neutral level. After using m acid for such a long time, I can say this easy acid peeling skincare method fits me very much. 

這麼久不寫文到底是多懶啊?過去一個月太忙了,現在終於有時間來這邊清掃蜘蛛網,把存檔的照片翻出來寫文啦 :P

這篇要寫的是持續愛用中的Dr. Hsieh杏仁酸!晚間護膚程序中,使用杏仁酸應該有一年多時間了,比起臉部磨砂產品我更愛用杏仁酸,除了去角質還能治療痘痘和調理膚質,這種家居輕果酸煥膚的方式很適合我。

I use 10% m acid after removing makeup and washing it again with cleansers, as the first step in my night skincare routine. I use the dropper inside the bottle to drip the acid onto my fingertip to apply on entire face, avoiding eye area. If I am satisfied with my skin condition, feeling no obvious acne or pimples on my face, I would skip the two products below and move on to toner. 

M acid first time users might discover a breakout of acne on your face, but this is a normal reaction for your skin as it is getting used to this new ingredient (This is what the brand told its customers on its facebook page).  I had my skin breakout for around two weeks, and when my skin get used to m acid after that, it has been smooth and feels reborn. 

And a reminder for first timers, you should start using m acid with a low concentration, like I do with 10% on a portion of my face first. After 3 small bottles of 10%, I buy this giant 125ml bottle plus 15ml set to continue my m acid journey in a less pricey way. 




If there is acne on my face, I would pinpoint them by applying 20% m acid (the one on the left). 20% m acid is a little bit sticker as it is of higher concentration than the 10% mentioned above. If there is a large hump of pimple I would apply a thin layer of 30% m acid gel on the right to tackle it. The gel also gives a cooling feel.


To deal with acne and pimples, I use m acid and has only tried m acid from Dr. Hsieh. It suits my skin so I keep using m acid products from this brand. Since I have not used m acid from other brands, I cannot compare which brand makes m acid products better.

I think salicylic acid gives better results in tackling acne scars, and I would do a post about my choice of salicylic acid products soon :)  See you next time!

處理粉刺痘痘用杏仁酸,牌子我只用過Dr. Hsieh,用起來很合適,也沒有嘗試過其他牌子的杏仁酸,所以無從比較。

處理痘疤的話,我覺得水楊酸更有效,接下來會再寫一篇關於除痘疤的水楊酸保養品啦 :)  下回再見!

2 則留言:

  1. 回覆
    1. Yes, because during or after using m acid products, sun exposure should be limited by using sunscreen or protective clothing to prevent darkening. And to prevent possible dryness in daytime for easier application of makeup :)



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